
Ultra Skin Solutions Welcomes You

Welcome to Ultra Skin Solutions, the official exclusive distributer of Ultraceuticals. Here, you can expect an inside look into Australia’s #1 Cosmeceutical brand and leader of the global cosmeceutical industry—Ultraceuticals–which has now made its way to the United States. As the exclusive distributer for Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, and Colorado, it is our passion and mission to connect you with the best cosmeceutical products on the market. 

You have seen it before, clients who come in looking to fix their skincare concerns. Their unease stemming from acne, aging, hyperpigmentation, enlarged pores, dull or dry skin, dehydration, flakiness, redness, and irritation. Many of your clients have already tried over-the-counter medication which, as we know, is watered down and ineffective. Some may have even tried other cosmeceutical brands which may have provided them some minor results, but one thing is for sure– nothing has significantly addressed their concerns. So, they come to you feeling disappointed, defeated and seeking answers. 

 “Achieve Real and Visible Results in 90 days.”

— Ultraceuticals  

Many cosmeceutical products on the market contain harsh ingredients such as synthetic fragrances, synthetic dyes, parabens, and propylene glycol which can cause unwanted irritation leading to breakouts, rashes, and other unwanted skin reactions. Using harsh chemical ingredients may work short-term, but can lead to long-term ineffectiveness and complications. 

Achieve real and visible results in 90 days is the Ultraceuticals guarantee. Ultraceuticals does not contain any harsh chemicals in their ingredients, unlike other common cosmeceutical products. Both you and your clients can have peace of mind knowing that Ultraceuticals is derived of some of the best and most effective vitamins on the market including: Vitamin A, Vitamin B Niacinamide and Panthenol, Vitamin C, and Alpha Hydroxy Acids. Your clients’ results can be guaranteed based on the ingredients alone. The naturality of their ingredients directly impacts not only the promise of results, but the longevity of these results and the overall impact it has on the skin.  

Ultra Skin Solutions teamed up with Ultraceuticals as the executive distributor of the Midwest and Colorado because of our passion to connect the medispa industry with this highly-rated and fast-growing cosmeceutical brand.  

As a wholesale partner, you will not only be able to provide excellent and proven results to your clients, but you will have the opportunity to establish your medispa as a leader in the industry using this results-driven brand.  The treatments you will provide using this clinical-grade product line is something your clients cannot access anywhere else other than from you.  

Ultraceuticals does offer an effective at-home skincare regime to be used in between services based on recommendations provided by you, the professional. Not only is this for their safety, but also their success. In order to confidently guarantee results, the product line should focus on their concerns using their current skin conditions and underlying factors.  

At Ultra Skin Solutions, we do not offer an online web store for direct clients. As professionals in the industry, we value your word, testimony, and experience. Factors such as advised services, product recommendation and treatment plans should be instructed by an Ultraceuticals Skin Expert during a consultation before any treatments or products are administered. As the expert, you will be trained on the necessary knowledge relating to Ultraceuticals consultations, at-home products, in-spa products, and various skin types to provide the best possible results for your clients. 


— Dr. Geoffrey Heber (Founder and Director of Ultraceuticals) 

In Australia, they face some of the most extreme and diverse environmental factors in the world. Harsh and ever-changing climates can cause severe complications to the skin. With concerns ranging from premature skin aging, photo damage, and increased chances for skin cancer, Australia at one time accepted these risks as a part of common culture. Dr. Geoffrey Heber founded Ultraceuticals with these concerns in mind and a vision to promote a healthy change. Since we cannot change the environment, we instead need to change our body’s response to it.  

In the United States, we also face similar extreme climates. Especially in the Midwest and the like, we experience dramatic season changes which proves aggressive on the skin. With average highs in summer reaching near the upper 80’s and the lows in the winter averaging to below freezing, our skin experiences significant impacts year-round. This directly influences the skin’s hydration, elasticity, and collagen levels which can lead to breakouts, irritation, and skin flare-ups.  

With Ultraceuticals you now have the opportunity to bring these corrective and preventative solutions to your area. Clients everywhere are seeking daily solutions to provide them security knowing their appearance and health will be addressed and protected.   

This a great opportunity for your clients to now be able to experience these amazing results, while providing them some peace of mind in the process. Ultraceuticals is a patented brand. There is currently no other brand or product line on the market that comes close to their innovation and formula. If your clients are seeking results that will last, Ultraceuticals will be their guarantee. Achievable and visible results in 90 days? You cannot get a better promise than that.  

As a wholesaler for Ultraceuticals, you will not only be carrying the leading cosmeceutical brand in the world, but you will be providing remarkable results for your clients. In adding this small yet impactful resource to your medispa, you will be able solidify your brand in the industry. In helping your clients, you will help yourself. You now can guarantee your clients with clear and definitive evidence—their results.  

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