

At Ultra Skin Solutions we pride ourselves on connecting the medspa industry with the best possible results. Because we live in a results-focused world, we do not have time to provide false promises or trial and error services to our clients. Whether you are currently a leader in the medspa industry and looking to solidify your title, or brand new and striving to make a name for yourself—Ultraceuticals will fit right in with your needs.

The Ultraceuticals promise is Real and Visible Results in 90 Days. This is not a guideline nor a loose promise, this is the Ultraceuticals guarantee. As a specialist within this industry, you are always on the lookout for new and improved options to get your clients the results they are striving for. In the world of social media, trending services and breakthrough products can flood your timeline daily. At Ultra Skin Solutions, it is our mission to connect you with a company that is known for making a global impact.

While Ultraceuticals may not be well known in the United States yet, it is currently the #1 leading global cosmeceutical brand on the market. As an exclusive distributor for Ultraceuticals, we are now able to supply you with the tools, products, and services needed to ensure your success within the American medspa industry. As a wholesale partner with Ultra Skin Solutions, you will have the exclusive access to carry this extraordinary product before it becomes a major brand in United States–it is already starting.

Behind Our Guarantee 

Guarantees are no stranger to various industries. We are used to money back guarantees, the promise of results, or it’s “free,” trialing the product before purchasing, etc. While these are all great guarantees, they do not actually provide you with any security. In a way, it is setting the consumer up for failure. There are no results promised other than if you are not satisfied with the product, it can be returned. Many companies—for legal purposes—do not provide result-promoting guarantees because there is a chance that their products cannot provide consistent results.

Ultraceuticals centers its entire existence around this one guarantee. Their whole purpose is to provide the world with reliable and proven skincare results. Their focus has been on innovation, research, and decades of medically supervised panelist-testing to be able to connect consumers with a promise. At Ultra Skin Solutions, we have yet to meet another brand that provides not only a guarantee of results, but proof.


Why 90 Days: 

As professionals, we are aware of the skin rejuvenation process. However, it is an important aspect of the Ultraceuticals guarantee. As a service provider, you will be able to specifically cater skincare plans to your clients. In theory, it may seem challenging to promise results to everyone knowing that each individual has a different skin makeup. However, that is a challenge that Ultraceuticals took head on and mastered.

Ultraceuticals has an exclusive way of administering their product. Regardless of the skin concern that your client is looking to address, the products are used in a gradual step system. In order to confirm and guarantee results, you cannot provide your clients with a one-size-fits-all skincare regime. Within this gradual step system you are able to specifically tailor a service and product plan to your clients that is completely unique and effective to each individual. 

The first 30 days within the 90-day promise focuses on strengthening and repairing the skin. Assuming your client starts from the basics (which is recommended) they will be starting with the mild intensity product line. From day 30 to day 60, they will be working with the serum intensity (medium level) which will regenerate and revive the skin. During the final 30 days is when the concentrate intensity is used to optimize the final results and start on the maintenance of the results. This gradually allows for the product to deeply penetrate the skin safely and effectively.

This is not our promise to you—this is a promise that you can make to your clients. At Ultra Skin Solutions it is our passion and mission to connect with you with the best possible product and service line on the market that is sure to provide you and your guests with consistent results every time.

Tried and Tested: 

Part of the success that Ultraceuticals receives is from their ingredient choice. In order for an ingredient to be selected, it must go through a series of evidence-based testing. The core active ingredients that are used within the Ultraceuticals product line are carefully selected from thousands of ingredients worldwide. Those that are selected are done so based on the evidence of achieving real and visible results. These ingredients are researched thoroughly by the Research and Devlopment Team as well as the Innovation team at Ultraceuticals to ensure that the active ingredients chosen are providing true benefits relating to healthy and glowing looking skin. 

Once the ingredients are selected, they are combined with an advanced carrier system designed to correctly stabalize the active ingredients to ensure a safe and effective delivery to the skin. The ingredients are often tested and selected in their most potent form. Through Ultraceuticals’ advanced and specific formulations, they are able to formulate products that create a specific, tailored, and efficient result every time through. These ingredients are then used within an advanced delivery system created to target a specific area within the skin and deliver a result. If a test product does not deliver a result within a month, it does not continue with development.

With Ultra Skin Solutions, you can take peace of mind knowing that the products you carry are not only guaranteed but proven. Between the unique ingredients, advanced formulas, and effective delivery system–you and your guests will be receiving top of line results that have the tests and results to prove it. Ultraceuticals is the official one-stop shop for all your clients’ skin concerns. In using this unique product line, your clients will be provided with a completely tailored experience using a regime that is completely unique to them. Grow your client’s results with the ultimate guarantee: Real and Visible Results in 90 Days.

Elevate your skincare business today. Become a wholesaler with ultra skin solutions!

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